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One-on-one in-home tutoring: Whether a student is struggling with coursework, or would like to gain a deeper understanding of the concepts involved, a one-on-one scenario allows for highly specific teaching techniques to be utilized, as the lesson can be customized to the individual's needs. While the core curriculum is the same nationwide, every teacher uses their own specific methods to teach the concepts within the curriculum. To best serve the student, the tutor must learn how the student was taught through observing the techniques they use to complete their work, while also observing how the student best absorbs new material. Once this is done, the tutor can teach using methods that the student is most comfortable with, allowing for a deeper level of understanding. Once the foundation of their understanding is solidified, they can adapt the methods and learning styles they use (combined with styles obtained through working with the tutor) to what they are currently being taught in class. This not only strengthens their ability to perform well, but allows for an ease of learning future concepts presented in the classroom. Whether you are seeking help with one particular subject matter, or wish to gain insight into a wide range of academia, this service allows for a specialized approach, making use of the methods that work best for the client while also presenting new methods that best match the client's strengths.


Price: From $40, with higher level courses (200-400 course I.D. undergraduate level) running a little higher due to the increased intensity of the material.


Note: While an at-home service is generally preferable, an alternate, public location can be agreed upon in advance if desired.

Group Tutoring: While many will prefer a one-on-one environment, many families (and students) find that they know of multiple individuals whom are taking and having difficulties with the same classes, taught by the same teacher(s). This is not to suggest that it is the fault of the practitioner - indeed, the expectations of the class are set at a national level, and the teacher must use what best works for the class as a whole. The methods used by the teacher may work well for most, but there may be some students who have a harder time grasping the lesson(s) being taught, for a variety of reasons. If multiple people require assistance for the same subject(s), a small group environment is not only highly cost effective, but can be of great help to everyone involved. While receiving highly customized help, students also gain experience in working with other students. They may be asked to describe a problem and possible solutions, express their thoughts to the group, and learn how to benefit from the input of fellow classmates. By learning how to express problems and possible solutions to other like-minded students, they will gain insight into the material(s) themselves. Throughout my experience, I have found that the saying "If you want to know something, teach it" holds a great deal of truth, both for myself and the students I work with. Small groups allow for a large degree of customization that one-on-one tutoring provides, while also having the benefits of working with others. Within a class, there is a good chance that if one student is confused by a concept, others will be as well - which allows multiple people to benefit from a single tutoring session.


Price: Typically $30 per student for a group of two, with the cost decreasing further for each additional student, to a maximum of 4.


Requirements: For group tutoring to be effective, the following conditions must be met:

- All of the involved students are taking the same course(s), at the same time.

- All of the students are being taught by the same teacher (NOTE: In some cases, different teachers in the same school/district will use similar techniques to teach the curriculum, in which case the students from different classes could be taught together effectively. Please contact me if you believe this is your situation, as I would have to determine the exact differences between the two classes to see if group learning is an effective option for the group of students in question).


Note: Due to the added complexity that comes with teaching a small group of students as opposed to one, someone who is interested in learning more about this service should contact me, as the specifics of the situation are important in determining the best course of action. Group size, specific circumstances of the students, the course/courses they are taking and a suitable location to teach (along with other factors) must be reviewed before making a final determination on how to proceed.

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